What Good is a Lawyer?

What’s another name for a lawyer? What about “Ambulance Chaser”, “Shark” or “Ambidexter”?
What is black and brown and looks good on a lawyer? A doberman.
Yes, we’ve all heard the jokes but why is it that the public holds lawyers in such low esteem? Why do people seem to agree that it is perfectly acceptable to dislike lawyers?
Isn’t it odd that people are happy to see a doctor for medical advice, an accountant for financial advice, but NOT a lawyer for legal advice?
While we might not all be as good looking as Gregory Peck’s Atticus Finch, as resilient as Hilary Clinton or as wise as Mahatma Gandhi (yes all lawyers), do we really deserve this universal dislike?
Or do we have Shakespeare to blame for the bar room taunts? It was he who discredited the profession when he famously proclaimed in Henry IV: - The first thing we do, let’s kill all the lawyers!
The truth is, regardless of the social stigma, lawyers are here to help you and they are around when you need them most. Despite the nicknames, most people will seek assistance from a lawyer at least once during their lifetime.
Whether it be to buy or sell property, prepare a legal will or trust, deal with bad debt or support families through difficult changes, a lawyer can be called upon for advice and assistance through many of the major events in your life.
Unlike your mate Fred at the pub, your lawyer might not always say what you want to hear or tip-toe around your moods, but your lawyer will act in your best interests, with integrity and morality and provide you with an honest summary of your options and the likely outcomes of your situation.
It is your lawyer’s business to understand your business, your legal needs, your personal circumstances and your ambitions and goals. A lawyer will demystify the many confusing aspects of the law and help you when you need it most.
As Richard Gere said to his lawyer in the cult movie Pretty Woman (a favourite), “You're my lawyer, Phil, you do my worrying for me”.
In closing ladies and gentlemen of the jury, I ask you again, what good is a lawyer? I’ll tell you: good when the outcome matters.