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White-Collar Crimes

White-Collar Crimes

If you have been charged with an offence which falls into the category of  ‘white-collar crime’ you need a criminal lawyer who understands the complexities of this area because breaches of corporate, environmental, taxation and other similar laws often have serious consequences.

What is white-collar crime?

White-collar crime includes offences such as:

  • Tax offences
  • Corporations offences
  • Workplace offences
  • Bribery
  • Forgery
  • Insider trading
  • Money laundering
  • Operational Health & Safety offences
  • Fraud/dishonesty

What if I suspect I am under investigation?

Enforcement agencies such as the Australian Securities and Investments Commission, the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission and the Australian Taxation Office have wide powers against you or your company.

If you suspect that you are under investigation by an enforcement agency or you have been charged with an offence you must get legal advice as soon as possible to obtain advice regarding your legal position.

Why should I contact Connolly Suthers?

Connolly Suthers is a multi-disciplinary law firm with large practices in criminal law, company law, tax law and workplace law. This means that we are very experienced in dealing with large corporations, government bodies and enforcement agencies alike. We understand the complex issues involved in these matters and the risks to the reputation of the company or individual charged with the offence.

For advice on Criminal Law and White Collar crime matters, please call or email:

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