Is your house covered under the Queensland Home Warranty Scheme?
By Renee Lovelady Tomas

Your biggest financial investment in life is likely to be your family home. If you are building a new house or renovating your existing house then it is mandatory that your building contractor take out home warranty insurance on your behalf.
Home warranty insurance policies last for 6 years and 6 months from the earlier of the date that the premium is paid, the contract is entered into or the date that the work commences.
Subsequent owners (i.e. purchasers of new homes or renovated homes) should find out if the home is covered, how long is left on the policy and if any claims have been made. To assist with finding out this information, you can now perform an online search with the Queensland Building and Construction Commission to determine whether your home or the home that you are buying is covered.
Register for myqbcc to undertake a search on your home: