Drone go flying overhead without reading this!
By Erlinda Nunn

From 1 July 2019 drone flyers will be required to apply for a drone ‘flyer’s licence’ and register their drone under the Civil Aviation Safety Authority (CASA) Drone Registration and Accreditation Scheme (‘the Scheme’). The Scheme has been introduced to apply more stringent safety standards and to prevent the misuse of the technology.
But, I'm only a recreational flyer
If you fly a drone for recreational purposes, there are certain rules you need to comply with. Droneflyer sets out rules for recreational drone flyers. You must not fly a drone in a way that creates a hazard to another aircraft, person or property.
These rules do not necessarily apply to all drone flyers. For those who hold a remote pilot licence and operate according to a remotely piloted aircraft operator certificate or have authorisation from CASA, you will be exempt.
Do I have to apply for a licence?
Our commercial department assistant, Amy Reid, often takes her drone out on the weekend and captures amazing aerial photos. Amy operates a DJI Spark model drone and it weighs 0.66 pounds or 299 grams.
For recreational drone operators who fly a drone weighing more than 250 grams, you will be required to apply for a flyer’s licence (this means Amy will have to apply for a recreational flyer’s licence). All drone operators who fly commercially, regardless of weight, will be required to apply for a flyer’s licence. Flyers under the age of 16 will need to be supervised by someone who is over the age of 18 or someone who is accredited to operate a drone.
As part of the CASA Drone Registration and Accreditation Scheme, those who apply for a flyer’s licence will be required to complete an online education course to obtain accreditation.
If you fly a commercial drone weighing between 100g and 2kg, you may fly in the CASA’s excluded category. Commercial drone operators who fly in the excluded category are required to hold a remote pilot’s licence and they must fly with a certified operator to fly commercially.
Do I have to register my drone?
The new licencing requirements will also mean drone flyers will be required to register their drone with the CASA. CASA’s intention for registering drones is to ensure that those who are not flying drones properly or not complying with safety rules are easily tracked down.
How much will it cost?
Depending on the type of drone you fly and your intended use, you will be required to pay a registration fee. The registration fee will be less than $20 for recreational flyers and for commercial flyers the registration fee will likely be between $100 and $160 per drone.
What are the consequences if I don’t comply with the new licensing requirements?
CASA are still in the process of implementing the Drone Registration and Accreditation Scheme, however flyers need to mindful that there are some hefty fines for operating a drone inappropriately! Depending on the circumstances, CASA have issued infringements notices from as little as $1,000 to in excess of $10,000.
It important to remember that some Councils or national parks may prohibit the use of drones in certain areas and that you should always research the area you plan to fly, or better yet, ask for permission.